Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thesis reference page

Thesis reference page is the space where the external penetrations of the subject is stated and makes sure that all the various appreciations follow. The primary aims is to highlight the use of others work. Most standards like APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago and other styles are used for depiction.

It includes the following:

1. Books, periodicals, articles, journals and other written and published materials which are under ones copyright for preservation and content.

2. Newspapers, monthly magazines also form a part of the referencing.

3. Interviews, surveys, questionnaires and others also make sure that all the sources are submitted well and judged for inclusion in ones research.

4. Recorded voice, television shows and plays can also be cited in the paper.

It is also in the form of thesis paper bibliography . The reference page is always after the conclusion page of any composition and prior to appendix page. The very distinction of styles makes sure that all the various sources would be finally dealt in a style recommended by the organization.

The following would be the format:

1. Name of the author

2. Year of publication

3. Name of the book, subject title name

4. Page number (s), volume of the copy

5. Publishers name and other details

Thesis reference page composition provides a list of sources in the article or composition either cited or only an idea is taken. The basic features are to deliver the perfect shape and details to the sources and to make sure that all the ideas borrowed and used are illustrated vividly. It is done so for giving high importance to the work and the person behind and finally to make the composition non-plagiarized.

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